About the IJCLab website

This website is updated regularly

You may share your comments and questions by contacting webmaster. 


Editor :

IJCLab – Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie
Bât. 100 – 15 rue Georges Clémenceau
91405 Orsay cedex

Editorial manager : Achille Stocchi

Communication at IJCLab : Cécile Takacs

Web manager  : Luc Petizon

Web developer : Sébastien Grégoire

Design and text : IJCLab


The images used for the creation of the CNRS IJCLab website come from different sources, IJCLab, IN2P3, CNRS, CERN.
Any copy, total or partial, cannot be made without the agreement of IJCLab.

Images on the frontpage banner

  • EFTEM images recorded at JANNuS-Orsay by Ce Zheng and Aurélie Gentils, IJCLab.