RAdio-chemistry and PHYsics for Nuclear Energy and Environment
The RAPHYNEE Team (for RAdio-chemistry and PHYsics for Nuclear Energy and Environment) is a pluri-disciplinary team invested in various research activities about nuclear energy and environment as well as in education and training, notably in this fields
Research activities
The research activities of the team covers 4 main research themes :
- Fuel Cycle and Envuronment Radiochemistry
- Nuclear fission and nuclear data
- Nuclear reactors and fuel cycle physics
- Energy Transition Physics Analysis
Teaching activites
The RAPHYNEE team members are strongly involved in education and training at all levels of qualification. This involvement is particularly strong in the following programs
Contact :
- Team referent : Marc ERNOULT
To propose collaborations, apply for an internship or a post-doc, please contact directly the persons in charge of the research themes indicated on the dedicated pages.
Team Members
SURNAME First Name |
Position |
AUDOUIN Laurent | Associate professor |
BLANC Guillaume | Associate professor |
BOUNEAU Sandra | Associate professor |
DAVID Sylvain | Researcher |
DOLIGEZ Xavier | Researcher |
ERNOULT Marc | Researcher |
LE NAOUR Claire | Researcher |
MALOUBIER Mélody | Researcher |
TASSANT GOT Laurent | Emeritus Researcher |
COHEN Elsa | PhD Student |
EVEILLARD Sarah | PhD Student |
OHER Hanna | Post-doc |